Dr. Dan Zoeller
Dan Zoeller was named principal of Trinity High School in 2004. Trinity is the largest private high school in Kentucky and one of the largest Catholic schools in the nation. Current enrollment is 1,260 boys.
Before becoming principal, Dan was activities director, developing and overseeing the implementation of Trinity’s House System. Trinity’s House System has become the model for house systems in several schools across the United States. He has presented about the House System at the Ohio Catholic Education Association Convention, the House System Institute in St. Louis, and the National Catholic Educator’s Association. Dan completed his Ed.D. from Spalding University in November 2018. His dissertation was titled Student Social and Spiritual Development Within U.S. Catholic Schools with House Systems: A Study of Administrator and House Mentor Perceptions.
Dan first learned about house systems as a Fulbright Exchange Teacher in England. He brought what he learned there to Trinity in the 2001-02 school year.